Lucy - Jakarta Selatan
Aku puas banget nih. Nanti aku foto ya. Rapi, bagus banget.
Fitriayu - Kasablanka
Thank you Helloilmare for your quick response! we are very satisfied with the quality and speed of your work.
Mrs. Andin - Pondok Labu
Terima kasih yaa... Sofa saya sudah jadi cantik lagi sebelum PSBB
Mrs. Citra - Rawamangun
Puas mbak! Nanti share fotonya yaa, aku mau post jg hehehe
Mrs. Afrida - Jombang
Pengerjannya bagus dan cepat mba, nggak sampai 3 jam. Karet penahan dudukan diperkuat, busa juga diganti di semua sisi, jahitan rapi
Wenny Santoso - Cikini
Saya puas dgn jasa Helloilmare. Dua mas yg dtg ke rumah sopan. Terima kasih bnyk.
Mrs. Rita - Bintaro
Terima kasih banyak. Efektif dan recommended bgt
Mrs. Prisa - Tangerang
Udah jadi Sofanya ka. Terimakasih banyak, hasilnya memuaskan
Mrs. Viesta - Pamulang
Sore Ilmare, alhamdulillah utk pengerjaan kemarin kami puas sekali. Terima kasih kpd Ilmare dan Mitra, setelah dipikir2 enakan 1 day service sehingga bisa cepat prosesnya
Mrs. Yoshi - Bintaro
Terima kasih. Cepet bener ngerjainnya gak sampe 2 jam!
Mrs. Gina - Cilandak
Oke terima kasih. Bagus sekali jasanyaa
Mrs. Ghita - Rempoa
The result of your work is great!
Mrs. Kari - Shangrila Residence
Thank you for covering the sofa. Very happy.
Mrs. Venita Daben - Apt. Sudirman Park
Thank you @helloilmare for reupholstery-ing our 10 year old sofa....
Your service is excellent! It only takes 3 days to do it without any hassle. Love it! #reupholstery #reupholsteryproject #reupholsteredsofa #localbrand #jakarta
Mrs. Abigail - Rempoa
Overall saya happy sama hasil dan pengerjaannya, makasi mbaa
Mrs. Sandy - Cipete
Thank you. We were very happy with the work and the technician. If any issues arise we will let you know.
Apologies. I wasn't expecting him to be finished in one day.
Mrs. Novita - Apt Rasuna
Halo, bagus sekali rapih hasilnya dan sesuai keinginan. Makasi byk ya mba
Mrs - Sandy - Cipete
we were very happy with the work and the technician. if any issues arise we will let you know.
Mrs. Julie - Cinere
Terima kasih sy puas bgt
Mrs. Alfiah - Jakarta Timur
Hallo mba, udah terpasang semua, baguuuss dan puasa sesuai dengan ekspektasiku
Mrs. Ine
Sudah selesai reparasi sofa. Hasilnya bagus, rapih dan cepet banget
Mrs. Ririn - BSD
Terima kasih atas service-nya.
Sukses terus dg bisnisnya.
Saya follow juga di ig-nya Helloilmare
Mrs. Grace - Alam Sutera
Rapi.. semua ok. Terima kasih untuk servicenya, memuaskan
Mrs. Dewi Lestari
This U sofa is bruised and battered by the kids for the last 3,5 years and was crying for reupholstery. And helloilmare did a very good job to make my sofa as good as new. Thank you Helloilmare.
Lucy - Jakarta Selatan
Aku puas banget nih. Nanti aku foto ya. Rapi, bagus banget.
Fitriayu - Kasablanka
Thank you Helloilmare for your quick response! we are very satisfied with the quality and speed of your work.
Mrs. Andin - Pondok Labu
Terima kasih yaa... Sofa saya sudah jadi cantik lagi sebelum PSBB
Mrs. Citra - Rawamangun
Puas mbak! Nanti share fotonya yaa, aku mau post jg hehehe
Mrs. Afrida - Jombang
Pengerjannya bagus dan cepat mba, nggak sampai 3 jam. Karet penahan dudukan diperkuat, busa juga diganti di semua sisi, jahitan rapi
Wenny Santoso - Cikini
Saya puas dgn jasa Helloilmare. Dua mas yg dtg ke rumah sopan. Terima kasih bnyk.
Mrs. Rita - Bintaro
Terima kasih banyak. Efektif dan recommended bgt
Mrs. Prisa - Tangerang
Udah jadi Sofanya ka. Terimakasih banyak, hasilnya memuaskan
Mrs. Viesta - Pamulang
Sore Ilmare, alhamdulillah utk pengerjaan kemarin kami puas sekali. Terima kasih kpd Ilmare dan Mitra, setelah dipikir2 enakan 1 day service sehingga bisa cepat prosesnya
Mrs. Yoshi - Bintaro
Terima kasih. Cepet bener ngerjainnya gak sampe 2 jam!
Mrs. Gina - Cilandak
Oke terima kasih. Bagus sekali jasanyaa
Mrs. Ghita - Rempoa
The result of your work is great!
Mrs. Kari - Shangrila Residence
Thank you for covering the sofa. Very happy.
Mrs. Venita Daben - Apt. Sudirman Park
Thank you @helloilmare for reupholstery-ing our 10 year old sofa....
Your service is excellent! It only takes 3 days to do it without any hassle. Love it! #reupholstery #reupholsteryproject #reupholsteredsofa #localbrand #jakarta
Mrs. Abigail - Rempoa
Overall saya happy sama hasil dan pengerjaannya, makasi mbaa
Mrs. Sandy - Cipete
Thank you. We were very happy with the work and the technician. If any issues arise we will let you know.
Apologies. I wasn't expecting him to be finished in one day.
Mrs. Novita - Apt Rasuna
Halo, bagus sekali rapih hasilnya dan sesuai keinginan. Makasi byk ya mba
Mrs - Sandy - Cipete
we were very happy with the work and the technician. if any issues arise we will let you know.
Mrs. Julie - Cinere
Terima kasih sy puas bgt
Mrs. Alfiah - Jakarta Timur
Hallo mba, udah terpasang semua, baguuuss dan puasa sesuai dengan ekspektasiku
Mrs. Ine
Sudah selesai reparasi sofa. Hasilnya bagus, rapih dan cepet banget
Mrs. Ririn - BSD
Terima kasih atas service-nya.
Sukses terus dg bisnisnya.
Saya follow juga di ig-nya Helloilmare
Mrs. Grace - Alam Sutera
Rapi.. semua ok. Terima kasih untuk servicenya, memuaskan
Mrs. Dewi Lestari
This U sofa is bruised and battered by the kids for the last 3,5 years and was crying for reupholstery. And helloilmare did a very good job to make my sofa as good as new. Thank you Helloilmare.
Lucy - Jakarta Selatan
Aku puas banget nih. Nanti aku foto ya. Rapi, bagus banget.
Fitriayu - Kasablanka
Thank you Helloilmare for your quick response! we are very satisfied with the quality and speed of your work.